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Writer's pictureJeanette

And We’re Off… Phase Two is underway!

BITC is pleased to announce it has been approved for an ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada) Habitat Stewardship Program Grant of $131,000 over two years. The funds must be shared with another project focused on education and stewardship.

The title used for ECCC's Habitat Stewardship Program Grant application is: Communicating And Conservation Education: Communicating And Monitoring Adaptive Management Of Big Meadow Bog Brier Island. Thanks to Jacqueline Journeay, Steve Lombard and Nick Hill for their work on the application.

Mike Parker of East Coast Aquatics is our Trail designer and Phase Two of the Big Meadow Bog Trail boardwalk is well underway. Arrangements are in place with our partnerFern Hill Institute of Plant Conservationto create an educational video addressing the importance of the Big Meadow Bog and the Eastern Mountain Avens Recovery Program. This will be under the guidance of Dr. Nicholas Hill.

It may be of interest to some that Dr. Hill was one of two Nova Scotia biologists who conducted a study of average temperatures trends in this province. They discovered that average temperatures have been trending upward for the last 60 years and have risen notably since 1998. The study, published by the Nova Scotia Institute of Science, resulting in a month-by-month analysis indicating temperature rises were apparent in the fall and the first frosts in the province were occurring later in the year. Doctors Garbary and Hill also noted that average temperature increases in coastal areas along the Atlantic were even higher compared with inland locations, ranging from 1.2C to 1.6C higher than normal from the prior decades.

We are also pleased to announce that the O2(Options and Opportunities) Class from ICS will be volunteering each Wednesday as part of their work experience. O2provides students with a wide variety of experiences, where students learn in community and workplace settings, link their in-school learning to the workplace, and have the chance to confirm their interest in that career path.

BITC member Lisa Clark has created a weekly Photo Journal, which will be posted in the blog as the work continues.

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